MISC 00001 Published On: 02/23/2021
Question: At any point during the stakeholder process will DESC make its modeling files available to stakeholders who have signed the NDA?
Answer: Yes, DESC will make the modeling files available that are used to support future IRP filings at the time those future IRPs are filed.
MISC 00002 Published On: 03/01/2021
Question: Will DESC also be using Strategist's Differential Cost Effectiveness module? If so, how will it provide Strategist licenses to intervenors?
Answer: Strategist is an ABB software. DESC does not currently have licenses to use Strategist and will not be using Strategist's Differential Cost Effectiveness module in its future modeling.
MISC 00003 Published On: 03/02/2021
Question: Please provide the license agreement that Energy Exemplar will require intervenor licensees to sign.
Answer: Energy Exemplar requires that stakeholders that wish to view the utility's model within PLEXOS sign a limited license. Please contact Energy Exemplar at: dana.harris@energyexemplar.com for a copy of the limited license.
MISC 00004 Published On: 03/05/2021
Question: The Commission's IRP order requires DESC to absorb the cost of intervenor license fees, does DESC plan to do so?
Answer: Whatever cost DESC incurs to comply with the Commission’s order will be charged to the Company’s customers.
MISC 00005 Published On: 04/26/2021
Question: Does DESC consider 2022 to be a full IRP update year? Rather than an annual update?
Answer: DESC understands that 2022 will be an update year and that the next full IRP will be in 2023.
MISC 00006 Published On: 04/26/2021
Question: The footnote on slide 35 says that companion financial models are used for revenue requirement modeling. Has Dominion chosen a specific financial model?
Answer: PLEXOS has a financial model in their LT plan which models revenue requirements. It also has financial models. In the past, DESC created spreadsheet models to create total cost models outside of the modeling software, but this will be less necessary while using PLEXOS. There will still be some aspects that DESC will have to model in external spreadsheets to accurately reflect the way that the Commission requires revenue requirement reporting.
MISC 00007 Published On: 04/26/2021
Question: SWEPCO created a Stakeholder working group that can develop and create a limited number of sensitivities or cases. Then, the utility ran it on their behalf. Would DESC be willing to do that?
Answer: The team’s first aim is to reach a consensus on the model that will be used. We intend to be responsive to Stakeholder feedback but how the model will be used is a discussion for future Stakeholder meetings.
MISC 00008 Published On: 06/11/2021
Question: I am unaware of any other markets that measure inertia, and there is no need for this metric. As electric utility technology develops, there will be no need for this metric.
Answer: DESC chose to include inertia in the study since the factor is still relevant to the reliable operation of the current generating system. DESC will continue to evaluate the factors and contributions to those factors by each resource type.
MISC 00009 Published On: 03/18/2022
Question: Can you remind us what the base year is for the corporate goal is?
Answer: 2005 is the base year for Dominion Energy’s corporate targets.
MISC 00010 Published On: 04/20/2022
Question: How was the exact dispatch provided? In a discovery response? If so, which one?
Answer: Yes, it was provided in a discovery response. The dispatch in the TIA was provided in Sierra Club Discovery Request 2-3 in Docket 2021-192-E.
MISC 00011 Published On: 06/17/2022
Question: DESC should include portfolios with full and partial replacement resources at or near Williams station. Because the Charleston area is a load pocket on the transmission system, retiring a large amount of generation in the area without local replacement is likely to be a large driver of the transmission upgrade costs.
Answer: DESC will request scenarios with full and/or partial replacement of resources at or near Williams station, as requested by Stakeholders, as part the next TIA study expected to commence in Q3 of 2022.